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GamblingBuilder: Procéder

If you do not want to make even small upfront investment in order to start earning income, you can become regular affiliate in our system. You need to register at this site and you will be able to earn income by referring other managers for or players for Casino. You can learn more about affiliate program of here, and about affiliate programs of casinos - on the sites of the casinos, for example,

If you are ready to invest some money, we will be happy to offer you our paid services. You can check the prices here. Benefits:

  • creation of online casino under unique domain name and ability to edit content on the site. This allows to register casino in various directories (many directories reject links with traditional affiliate ids). You will also be able to register your casino in search engines and optimize content for them with ease;
  • you receive more % of casino net profits (depends on the plan you choose);
  • detailed stats on casino and site visitors.

For initial fee (the fee amount depends on chosen plan) you become Casino Manager with unique domain name and casino theme chosen by you (for one year). After each year, you will be able to continue contract, by paying the same annual fee. You do not need to develop and maintain complicated software, create content *, debug and support your casino site and etc. You need only to efficiently promote your casino.

Casino promotion might go on by any means available for promoter. However, it's more effective and much easier to use the prepared hints and promo materials that constantly update and actually work.

Requesting your money:

Casino Manager or Affiliate can withdraw earned funds at any time, there is no minimum to request withdrawal. You will be able to withdraw your funds to the appropriate account of the payment system (for example, you earned $10 in e-Gold and $100 in PrepaidATM, it means you can withdraw $10 to your e-Gold account and $100 to your PrepaidATM account).


* Although we recommend creating unique textual content for your site using your creative ideas to attract more players.


27 mai 2016
Nous avons d'excellentes nouvelles pour les gestionnaires et les webmasters de casino en ligne, qui attirent français, portugais ou hispanophones références: à la fois et sont maintenant traduits dans ces langues!

7 mars 2014
Nous avons localisé site 'GamblingBuilder' aux plus de 15 langues. Utilisez le code de la langue correspondant en vos liens de référence pour augmenter la conversion de vos bannières, des annonces et d'autres médias d'affiliation.

7 mars 2014
Chers partenaires, vous avez la possibilité d'ajouter votre casino aux 599 directoires qui sont présentés en 10 langues différentes. Vous n'avez rien à payer pour cela - télécharger simplement la base de données tout à fait gratuitement.


Tips on promotion

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